NC DHHS Consent to Release Information

All DHHS providers will electronically sign the Consent to Release Information as part of the Provider Enrollment Online Application.
All DHHS providers will electronically sign the Consent to Release Information as part of the Provider Enrollment Online Application.
I understand that the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and its representatives are responsible for the evaluation of my professional training, experience, professional conduct, and judgment. All information submitted by me or on my behalf pursuant to this Consent to Release Information is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I fully understand that any misstatement in or omission related thereto may constitute cause for the summary dismissal/denial of such participation in the DHHS Program. I understand and agree that as an applicant for participation in the DHHS Program, I have the burden of producing adequate information for proper evaluation of my professional competence, character, ethics, and other qualifications and for resolving any doubts about such qualifications.
I hereby authorize DHHS and its representatives to contact and/or consult with any persons, entities or institutions (including, but not limited to, hospitals, HMOs, PPOs, other group practices and professional liability carriers) which I have been affiliated, have used for liability insurance or who may have information relevant to my character and professional competence and qualifications, whether or not such persons or institutions are listed as references by me. I consent to the release and communication of information and documents between DHHS and its representatives and persons, entities or institutions in jurisdictions in which I have trained, resided, practiced, or applied for professional licensure, privileges or membership in plans for the purpose of evaluation of my professional training, experience, character, conduct, ethics and judgment, and to determine professional liability insurance and/or malpractice insurance claims history.
I also authorize and direct persons contacted by DHHS and its representatives to provide such information regarding my character and/or professional competence and qualifications, my professional liability insurance and/or malpractice insurance claims history to representatives of the Program and I understand in doing so, I am waiving my confidentiality rights to this information. I release and hold harmless from liability all persons, entities, or institutions acting in good faith and without malice for acts performed in gathering or exchanging information in this credentialing process. This release and hold harmless provision applies to all persons, entities and institutions who will provide and/or receive, as part of the Program’s credentialing process, information which may relate to my past or present physical and/or mental condition, including substance abuse, alcohol dependency and mental health information.
I further authorize the release of the above information or any other information obtained from the application by a credentialing verification organization (CVO) to any health care organization designated by me or one that has entered into an agreement with the CVO where I currently have, am currently applying, or in the future will be applying for participation. I also authorize the CVO or DHHS to allow my file to be reviewed by the organizations' state or national accrediting and licensing bodies.