NCTracks Provider Walk-Ins and Site Visits Temporarily Suspended
NCTracks is paying special attention to guidelines established by the Centers from Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for social distancing, limiting non-essential business travel, and reducing in-person meetings as much as possible. To this end, NCTracks has made the difficult decision to temporarily suspend all provider walk-ins and site visits with provider relations representatives, both scheduled and unscheduled, opting instead to take advantage of other methods of communication such as virtual meetings.
We believe this is the best course of action to take to limit exposure and prevent the spread of COVID-19, reducing health risks to both our staff and the public. As always, providers are also able to submit a request for assistance from a provider relations representative using the ‘Contact Us’ link at the bottom of every NCTracks webpage, which is the preferred method of requesting help. Providers should choose the ‘Request a Site Visit’ from the drop down ‘Subject’ menu on this page (although site visits are not an option at this time, this selection will direct your request to a provider relations representative so they may contact you). Providers are encouraged to submit a detailed description of their request for assistance to allow for proper research.
The health and safety of all North Carolinians has always been and continues to be a top priority for NCTracks. We encourage others to take the appropriate precautions and stay informed through content from credible information sources such as WHO and CDC. NCTracks will provide an update about the resumption of walk-ins and site visits as soon as possible. Providers are encouraged to check their email and announcements on the Provider Portal webpage to stay aware of any updates. To subscribe to the NCTracks email list, providers may click the link at the top right of the Provider Communications webpage, or text NCTRACKS to 22828 and follow the prompts.