Details on Prescribing Provider DEA Requirements
Effective Oct. 1, 2020, a change is being made to the Provider Permission Matrix (PPM) to designate certain providers as prescribers. These prescribing providers will be required to provide their Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) certification number on their initial enrollment, re-enrollment or MCR applications. Once the DEA number is submitted, NCTracks will automatically verify this number. If the name and DEA number on the application matches the information on file with DEA, the application will continue to be processed. If this information does not match, the provider will be sent an Application Incomplete letter explaining the issue and the actions required to resolve it.
If a provider designated as a prescriber on the PPM* does not have a DEA number, they must:
1. Enter 123456789 as the DEA certification number.
2. Complete the DEA Designation Form (found on the Provider Policies, Manuals, Guidelines and Forms page under Provider Forms) indicating the reason for not having a DEA certification, selecting one of the following reasons on the form:
- The prescribing provider is currently working on obtaining their DEA license (it is in process or is still pending). They must elect a temporary alternate prescriber to write prescriptions for controlled substances on their behalf until they have a valid certification. The form must be completed providing the alternate prescriber’s information.
- The prescribing provider elects not to prescribe controlled substances themselves but prescribing controlled substances is in their scope of practice. They must identify another doctor to write these prescriptions on their behalf. The form must be completed providing the alternate prescriber’s information.
- The prescribing provider does not prescribe or refer prescriptions for controlled substances because they believe their patients do not require controlled substances. In this circumstance, the provider must sign the statement on the form indicating this and describe their process for handling instances when a patient requires a controlled substance.
3. Upload this form to the Upload Documents page under Status Management when submitting an application.
Further communications will provide more information. Providers are encouraged to check their email and NCTracks provider announcements regularly.
*The PPM may be found under Quick Links on the Provider Enrollment page.